MeidasTouchNetwork inspired Doctor Who Spinoffs in America
Watching his videos over the years across many accounts some not using my name this time using my name that I can make the safely sure assessment and being an American Whovian can assure you that he meets all of the requirements I look for in an American incarnation of the doctor plus he have a Connecticut accent and being from there would satisfy Scottish viewers and Irish viewers while keeping the worldwide audience while drawing in a new audience of viewers and his activism would be great for the show and he can use that activism when giving a typical doctor speech and his YouTube channels the damage report and the YouTube channel he works for The Young Turks. Also, watch meidastouchnetwork, the won't Michaels podcast, Jesse dollemore, David Pakman, the ring of fire news, Farron Balanced, and also, marvel, dc, and the doctor who YouTube channel and subscribe to all of the people I just mentioned above. During the time war and before the Master nuked gallifrey they found out the...